Social Mobilization & Institution Building

Social mobilization is the cornerstone of participatory approaches in rural development and poverty alleviation programmes. Effective Social mobilization strengthens participation of rural poor in local decision-making, improves their access to social and production services and efficiency in the use of locally available financial resources, and enhances opportunities for asset-building by the poorest of the poor.

The primary objective of social mobilization and institution building is to have strong and sustainable institutions at the community level. Through effective social mobilization, people can organize themselves to take action collectively by developing their own plan and strategy rather than being imposed from outside. The HSRLM has adopted differential strategies for social inclusion and mobilization of all identified BPL households into functionally effective & Self-Managed institutions, with particular focus on vulnerable sections like scheduled castes, disabled, landless, migrants labour, isolated communities, and minority..

Strong affinity based and quality institutions of poor starting from SHGs at village level are the primary building block of the NRLM institutional design. Under the mission, only SHGs with exclusive women membership are promoted.

With the support of the Community Resource Persons (CRP), these aggregates would graduate into higher level institutions like Village organizations, Cluster and Block Level Federations.