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Objectives of the Society

The Society shall function as the apex coordinating organization for the implementation of the National Rural Livelihoods Mission (NRLM). The society shall have the following specific objectives:-

  • Alleviate poverty of poor men and women by improving their capacities and opportunities to participate in and control their own development.
  • To make necessary interventions to empower active affinity based groups of disadvantaged people.
  • To make necessary interventions to create income security opportunity for the rural poor.
  • Through village institutions collaborate and influence Panchayati Raj Institutions (PRIs) to become more effective, accountable and inclusive.
  • Bring about coordination, convergence and synergy among the various components of different poverty alleviation programmes of the State and Central governments with a view to accelerating programmes towards elimination of poverty in the state.

Functions of the Society

  • Take all such actions and to enter into all such actions as may appear necessary or incidental for the implementation of the project and in particular for the achievement of the vision and objectives of the society.
  • Formulate guidelines for implementation of the various programs of the Society.
  • Act as Guardian of Rules and “non-negotiable principles” of the projects , and enforce the rules and guidelines for the implementation of the projects.
  • Accept or provide any grant of money, loan, securities or property of any kind and to undertake and accept the management of any endowment trust, fund or donation not inconsistent with the objectives of the Society.
  • Purchase, hire, take on lease, exchange or otherwise acquire property, movables or immovable and construct, alter and maintain any building or buildings as may be necessary for carrying out the objectives of the Society.
  • Open a bank account, along with the signatories to the account.
  • Receive funds from the State Government or other sources through budget releases and release money to the lower offices based n their requirements and utilization of funds previously released.
  • Incur expenditure after drawing up a budget and with due regard for economy and propriety.
  • Make rules and regulation for the conduct of the affairs of the Society and add or amend, vary or rescind them from as and when required.
  • Establish its own organizational structure, offices and employ, retain or dismiss personnel as required, decide salary and benefit structure for the Society.
  • Accept, make, enclose or otherwise execute cheques, drafts, receipts, bills of exchange or other instruments and securities as required for the conduct of the business of the Society.
  • Enter into contracts without a requirement for government approval, other than by government representatives on the Executive Committee and undertake any legal action that may be necessary to ensure the fulfillment of contracts made between the State Society and others.
  • Exercise overall responsibility for management of Project on behalf of the Government of Haryana within the framework of project/ Mission guidelines.